Mad Sam, one of history's sickest killers, was a raving maniac in 1960’s Chicago, orchestrating gruesome murders that unfolded like a theatrical show, reminiscent of a joker. Based on a true story, he was notorious for causing chaos wherever he went and with everyone he encountered. Samuel "Mad Sam" DeStefano earned a reputation as one of the most unhinged and demented individuals to have ever walked the planet. Those unfortunate enough to cross his path often paid a steep price, as it ultimately cost them their lives.
Samuel DeStefano, also known as "Mad Sam," who operated as a sadistic hoodlum in Chicago during the 20th century. Credited for establishing a money loan system known as 'Juice Loans,' where he would lend someone $5, and in return, he was to be paid back $6 in interest. Every week, if that 'interest' was not paid on the original $5 loan, he would 'squeeze' the money out of his client until all the interest and the original payment were paid in full.
Mad Sam was notorious for violently enforcing the repayment of these loans, and his tactics spread to criminal organizations across the United States. Mad Sam was a psychopathic killer with close ties to various Chicago mobsters and criminals. Despite his seemingly insane behavior, the Chicago mob tolerated him due to the significant profits he generated through his criminal activities. He will forever be remembered as one of the most depraved serial killers in Chicago's history.